Today’s announcement by the do-nothing Labor Child Safety Minister is two years too late for a child safety system in crisis and staff at breaking point.

Cries from child safety staff go unanswered, abuse cases are being missed and allegations of bullying are rife.

Between March and April 2017 abuse investigation response times dropped from 62.8 per cent to 34.1 per cent, with allegations of harm reports not being filed. This means 65 per cent reports of abuse are not being responded to in the recommended timeframe.

Each of these reports represents a child in danger being left in a violent of neglectful home.

These reports are shocking to say the least.

Labor are hanging frontline child safety workers out to dry and ignoring the crisis that has engulfed the department.

Staff in Cairns are living day to day with the fear of another Mason Lee being very present. They are doing the best they can with limited resources and a do-nothing Minister.

The disaster and dysfunction in child safety shows a lack of leadership from the Minister and its kids’ lives that are being put at risk.